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Here you can download the latest GBot.
Upgrade notes: In 0.24 I re-made the customizable text so everything is in XML files. This will make all txt files in text folder useless. please remove them.
If you have changed the text you need to re-enter all of them, Sorry.
Use beta version on your own risk.. backup of you don't want to lose everything.

You MUST download Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 and to use GBot


GBot 0.294 Change log

Beta Version
GBot 0.285 Beta 3 Change log

Language files
Spanish for version 284
Romanien for version 0.27x
Dutch for version 0.26x
Hungarian for version 0.26x (includes commands.xml)
Spanish for version 0.26x

Older downloads
GBot 0.293
GBot 0.292
GBot 0.29
GBot 0.284
GBot 0.283
GBot 0.282
GBot 0.28
GBot 0.27
GBot 0.265
GBot 0.263
GBot 0.262
GBot 0.261
GBot 0.26
GBot 0.252
GBot 0.251 (removed)
GBot 0.25
GBot 0.23

Old Beta Version
GBot 0.285 Beta 2
GBot 0.285 Beta 1
GBot 0.271 Beta 3
GBot 0.271 Beta 2
GBot 0.271 Beta 1
GBot 0.253 Beta 3
GBot 0.253 Beta 2
GBot 0.253 Beta 1
GBot 0.24 Beta 3 works as an upgrade and new installation*REPACKED*
GBot 0.24 Beta 2 upgrade from previous versions only.
WARNING: this version and above have some changes to the settings files.
Backup before use.. if something fails remove cmd & command.xml and try again.
some settings might disappear so check after upgrade.

GBot 0.24 Beta 1 upgrade from previous versions only.